This is the first of a series of Healthy Ageing Workshops and Webinars to be delivered by the Ageing Curve team for the Stoke Digital Innovation and Education Hub over the next 4 months both online and face to face in the Stoke area.
This introduction workshop will be called Ways to Wellbeing, It will be interactive, that is participants will be invited to use the workbook provided to help themselves develop their own wellbeing plan.
During the session participants will have a chance to explore what wellbeing means to them and the factors that may affect their wellbeing. The workshop will share the 5 Ways to Wellbeing concept and invite participants to consider how they can develop their wellbeing in each of these areas. Towards the end of the workshop, participants will be invited to choose one overarching wellbeing goal to develop, through using SMART goal setting.
Please download the attached Workbook PDF we send out before attending the event: Details on how to access the work book included with the booking link.
There will also be an update on the programme of workshops, which will include Physical Health, Practical Fitness and nutrition, Mental Health and Wellbeing, plus a specialist education session on the care of the Diabetic Foot.
Life Liberated and Ageing Curve are concepts in development by Straits Line Limited to encourage proactive healthcare to enable healthy activity and prolong working life. The aim is to engage with communities to create social impact.
These workshops are funded by UK Government’s Community Renewal fund through Stoke on Trent Council and the Digital Innovation and Education Hub consortium project.
Sessions will be interactive and we welcome questions and discussion. Plus we will be evaluating responses and sharing information for improving the workshop delivery for the future.
Please use the link below to book your place.
Introduction to Ways to Wellbeing Workshop Webinar Tickets, Thu 31 Mar 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite